Woman Seeker

Women Seekers of Bharat

Throughout time and across Bharat, women saints, enlightened beings, have made an indelible, immeasurable contribution to Sanatana Dharma. Their lives and their works continue to uplift and inspire all.

They are an embodiment of Devi Shakti, the Divine power of the Feminine. 

Many have heard of Sant Mirabai and Her Love for Lord Krishna, or Andal, the young girl who became worshiped as a Goddess.

However, many have yet to hear of the countless other women who have reached the pinnacle of Spiritual heights through their love and indomitable strength. 

We present here, a book all about these great Woman Seekers, an opportunity to study and reflect on their lives, a chance to partake in spreading awareness about their glory and a way to connect to many Devis like you who are seeking the Ultimate Truth!

The Woman Seeker Book

The Woman Seeker is a book featuring 18 Devis and their journey to Enlightenment. 

They are from various parts of Bharat, different time periods and all walks of life – from the Vedic seers to wandering ascetics, from visionary composers to dharmic householders, from ardent devotees to sublime renunciates.

Whoever you are, wherever you are, you can find a seeker who speaks to you, shares your journey and touches the core of your heart.

18 Devis Featured in the Book

Ananya Bhaktās
Devotees Merged With God

Āṇḍāl | Tamil Nadu | 6-9th century
Cherished Daughter, Worshiped as Goddess

Akka Mahādevī | Karnataka | 12th century
Clad in Space, Lost in Śiva

Sant Janābāī | Maharashtra | 13th century
Servant Maid Served by God

Mīrābāī | Rajasthan | 15th century
Thief of Kṛṣṇa’s heart



Lalleśvarī | Kashmir | 14th century
Unclad Ascetic without Boundaries

Mātā Rūpa Bhavānī | Kashmir | 17th century
Renunciate Revelling in Solitude
Śrī Avudai Akkāḷ | Tamil Nadu | 18th century
Widow Dancing to Non-Duality

Divya Svaraṇās
Divine Voices

Muktābāī | Maharashtra | 13th century
Orphan Child, Ageless Guru

Ātukūri Molla | Andhra Pradesh | 15th century
Visionary Composer of Rāmāyaṇa

Padmapriyā | Assam | 16th century
Poetess and Protector of Women

Gaṅgāsatī | Gujarat | 19th century
Fifty-two Pearls of Wisdom


Vedic Ṛṣikās
Seers of the Truth

Vākdevī | Ṛg Veda | Vedic Period
Vedic Seer, Voice of Devī

Gārgī | Bṛhadāraṇyaka-upaniṣad | Vedic Period
Daring Philosopher of Truth

Maitreyī | Bṛhadāraṇyaka-upaniṣad | Vedic Period
Ideal Student Seeking Immortality

Universal Mothers Sheltering All in Their Embrace

Ahilyābāī Holkar | Madhya Pradesh | 18th century
Fearless Warrior, Mother of the Nation

Sarada Devi | West Bengal | 19th century
Humble Disciple to Holy Mother

Anandamayi Ma | Bangladesh | 19th century
Child at Heart, Blissful Mother of All

Swamini Saradapriyananda | Andhra Pradesh | 20th century
Established in Self, Ever in Service

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Sneak Preview

Click here for a sneak preview of the book.


I find myself at a loss for words after finishing “The Woman Seeker.” It’s impossible to adequately express the depth of my gratitude…It led me on a profound inner journey, unveiling emotions I never knew existed.

I am filled with a newfound sense of purpose, empowered and profoundly connected to the universal quest for spiritual Truth.

– Neha Broota – Mumbai, India

This has been a book that I’ve always wanted for myself as a child, and I’m so glad we will have this for my children!

– Sharanya Rao – Austin, Texas

The flow of the book is excellent and depicts lives of these women who are otherwise unknown. 

The book encompasses so many different aspects of Vedanta and teaches about paths of Karma, Bhakti and Jnana yoga. 

It’s inspired me to read more about some of these saints – thank you!

A great read not just for women but for individuals perhaps above the age of 15! 

Excellent – easy and informative !

– Ajita Bhat – Andover, Massachusetts

About the Team

We would first like to express our gratitude to Pujya Swami Chinmayananda who came to us from the high ranges of the Himalayas, with such a lofty vision and a heart full of compassion, to show us a path to spiritual perfection. He loved and shared the highest knowledge with all people – from all backgrounds, religions, genders and cultures. It is only because of His grace we are here today. We also offer our heartfelt gratitude to Pūjya Swami Tejomayananda and Pūjya Swami Swaroopananda for their encouragement and support in the creation of this book. Through this effort, we hope to contribute towards our ṛṣi ṛṇa, the debt owed to all the great Masters who have taught us and walked the path unwaveringly. 

The team behind this book are all seekers themselves who are associated with Chinmaya Mission and who have personally connected with the Devis. They have either grown up listening to stories about them, reading their works, visited their sacred sites or formed a new bond during their process of exploration. 

When we first started this journey, we didn’t know how it would all come together but by the grace of Devī, people from all parts of the world just turned up miraculously with great fervor to be part of this initiative – from the coordinators, researchers, writers, artists, editors, language specialists, fact checkers, proofreaders, advisers, sponsors, book carriers and a whole support system – a whole team of over 50!

In the Bhagavad gītā, it says, tasmat sarvagatam brahma nityam yajñe pratiṣṭhitam” (BG 3.15). Even if God is all pervading, he rests in sacrifice. This means that if we want to experience God here and now, then we can do so in the spirit of yajña – the cooperative endeavor of people coming together for a greater cause far and above themselves.  During the course of this project, we truly experienced Goddess Herself. There’s no other way to explain how this happened. 

Watch this video for excerpts from The Woman Seeker Team!

Woman Seeker Study Groups

One way to truly understand the lives of these incredible Devis is to study it in a group setting. Through Adult Study Groups and Devi groups, students can read The Woman Seeker together and pause at key moments for deeper reflection.  A detailed study group syllabus is being developed for this initiative. If you are interested in starting or joining a Woman Seeker Study Group, please write to: womenseekers108@gmail.com

Check out ongoing study groups

Videos and Resources

Intro to The Woman Seeker by Brni. Shubhani
Rishika Vakdevi by Brni. Akalka
From Seeker to Saint by Swami Tejomayananda
Great Women of Bharat by Swami Swatmananda


Devi Retreat – Veteran’s Day 2024

A Devi Retreat is being planned for November 8-11, 2024.

Stay tuned for more information!

Woman Seeker: Music & Dance Drama 

‘Vivekachoodamani: Woman Saints of India’  May 2024

A beautiful, inspiring concert and dance performance by artists, inspired by and including compositions by the Woman Saints by Chinmaya Mission Australia!

Press ARTICLE | Part 1 SONG | Part 2 DANCE


Spread the word, start a study group, or get involved in the movement!