Pujya Gurudev – Swami Chinmayananda’s 108th Birth Anniversary
This year, as we celebrate Pujya Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda’s 108 birth anniversary, let’s learn more about his Vision & Mission by exploring his own writings and videos, reading his books and even watching documentaries and a movie on his life. As sevaks of the mission, we can also take up certain sadhanas or spiritual practices and perform paduka pujas in our very own home.
About Swami Chinmayananda
The life of Swami Chinmayananda was one of extraordinary spiritual strength, immeasurable love and tireless service. In less than half a century, he has left behind a worldwide organization, hundreds of institutions, and millions of devotees. This was all aimed at a single theme, discovering the Eternal Truth within.
Swami Chinmayananda's Life and Work
Swami Chinmayananda was born on May 8th, 1916 as Balakrishna Menon (Balan) in Ernakulam, Kerala. His family was very devout in their religious life and had regular contact with holy men. This influence molded Balan’s mental and moral make-up preparing him for the mission of his life ahead. Balan excelled with his education graduating with an M.A. in English Literature at Lucknow University. A man of strong ideas and idealism he entered the field of journalism where he felt he could influence political, economic and social reform in India. At this time he met Swami Sivananda at Rishikesh and became very interested in the spiritual path. Here he found the answers that he was seeking.
Balakrishnan was initiated into the sannyasa order by Swami Sivananda, who blessed him with the name ‘Swami Chinmayananda Saraswati’ – the one who is saturated in Bliss and Consciousness. Swami Sivananda saw the potential in Swami Chinmayananda and sent him to study under the greatest Teacher in the Himalayas – Swami Tapovan Maharaj. Swami Chinmayananda studied for 12 years under Swami Tapovan’s guidance, leading a very austere and rigorous life. Learn more about Swami Chinmayananda’s life and work.
Then he felt a deep inner urge to share his knowledge and wisdom with the mass of humanity. He descended to the plains and held his first yagna in Pune to a small group of three people. This humble beginning rapidly expanded to more than 500 series of lectures given to audiences numbering thousands.
Rapid Growth Of Chinmaya Mission
During his 40 years of traveling and teaching, Gurudev opened numerous centers worldwide, he also built many schools, hospitals, nursing homes and clinics. As well as reinvigorating India’s rich cultural heritage, Swami Chinmayananda made Vedanta accessible to everybody regardless of age, nationality, or religious background. On 3 August 1993, in San Diego, USA, Swami Chinmayananda attained Mahasamadhi. He worked tirelessly to the very last moment and created an international spiritual revolution.
Jnana Yajnas - A 108 Day Pilgrimage with Swami Chinmayananda
Like the holy Ganga who flowed from the pristine peaks of the Himalayas to share her abundance with the plains, Pujya Gurudev came down from Uttarkashi with overflowing compassion to share the ancient scriptural wisdom and chart a Vedantic road map to spirituality. The journey that He undertook since His first Jnana Yajna in 1951 at Poona transformed generations across the world to become an endless flow of Knowledge. From 1951 to 1993, in 532 glowing Jnana Yajnas, Pujya Gurudev transformed countless lives.
As we prepare to celebrate Pujya Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda’s 108th Janma Jayanti on May 8, 2024, Chinmaya Archives invites you to a phenomenal pilgrimage into the past where we retrace the first 108 sacred steps that became a mighty movement called Chinmaya Mission.
Documentary on Gurudev (42 short clips on Pujya Gurudev’s life)
Movie on Gurudev – On A Quest ( 2 hours)
Short videos by Gurudev on Bhagavad Gita (2-5 minutes each)
Books on Gurudev's life
Every breath a Teaching
Swami Chinmayananda’s entire life was a teaching. The words he spoke during simple daily transactions or in response to a question served as powerful lessons toward a deeper understanding of self and the world. This book unfolds the vision of Vedanta through actual accounts of his students’ personal encounters with Swamiji.
For more books on Gurudev and his commentaries on the Bhagavad Gita and Upanishads, please visit chinmayapublications.com
Apps on Gurudev's lectures
GITA 365
Chinmaya Mission has three wonderful apps for your small doses of daily inspiration, all available as snippets of Gurudev’s talks. Enjoy the benefit of these small packets of daily wisdom from Gurudev himself.
Available as one single link for iPhones
For android phones, they are available in google play store as three links.
Chinmaya Mahima
Check out these short videos on the insights into the life of Swami Chinmayananda by Brni. Shubhani Chaitanya
Chinmaya Sadhanas
42 Sadhanas for 42 weeks to commemorate 42 years of Sadhana & Service by Swami Chinmayananda. A wonderful initiative by Chinmaya Mission Mumbai to inspire us to take up sadhanas (spiritual practices) at the level of the body, speech, mind and intellect as a tribute to Pujya Gurudev, Swami Chinmayananda who dedicated his life for us. Learn more about 42 Chinmaya Sadhanas.
Guru Paduka Puja
As we embark into 2024, the Mission community has been celebrating Gurudev’s (Swami Chinmayananda) 108th Jayanti (birthday). In the Chinmaya Mission New York community, we will be celebrating by inviting Gurudev into our homes and performing Guru Paduka Pujas under the guidance of Brni. Shubhani Chaitanya. Learn more and register for Guru Paduka Puja.
108 Names of Swami Chinmayananda | Chinmaya Ārati | Gurudev’s Quotes