Likhita Japa

Likhita Japa

What is likhita japa?
Likhita Japa is a way of writing love letters to God.  It is a spiritual practice used for gaining purity and concentration of mind. This likhita japa will be an offering to Chinmaya Upavan and will be placed in the temple under the image of Sri Rama and Sita Mata. Please feel free to write in any language with utmost love and devotion.

We request a suggested donation of $108.00 per likhita japa notebook to be given to CMNY at the time of completion. For registration and detailed instructions download the PDF below.

Why do it?

  • Trains the senses  – In likhita japa, the senses are trained to turn from the world to God. As  one writes the mantra, the eyes see it, the hands feel the pen and the writing on the paper, the mouth chants it, ears hear it and the mind is filled with devotion for the Lord.
  • Teaches patience – As we write, we have to slow down our whole mind and body.  This teaches us how to pause, breathe instead of rushing and hurrying about the day. Each name is to be written with love.
  • Purifies the mind – While writing the mantra of God, those very qualities which reside in that form of God start to develop in our own hearts.
  • Develops focus – This practice also helps us to develop focus by ensuring that we write neatly without any erasures and in a straight line.

Besides the personal benefit to the seeker, it is a samaṣṭi sankalpa (resolve of totality). When a group of people come together in the spirit of selflessness with a common vision which creates harmony in society, then that vision will manifest itself.

श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम॥
Shri Ram Jaya Ram Jaya Jaya Ram

When Hanumanji’s 25 feet tall statue was installed in Sidhbari, Pujya Gurudev said that now his master, Shri Rama must be brought! Pujya Gurudev told all of the devotees around the world to do a likhita japa of Shri Ram Jaya Ram Jaya Jaya Ram.  Many people came together beautifully and due to their pure resolve,  the japa books were placed right below at the sanctum sanctorum and the form Shri Rama Parivar came to Sidhbari!  When a sattvik sankalpa ( pure resolve)  becomes total sankalpa (resolve of totality) then it has to manifest because it becomes Ishwara’s sankalpa (God’s resolve).


If 500 of us take 10 minutes each day
To write God’s name 30 times (1 page)
For 200 days…
Then that’s…

3,000,000 !

God will definitely come!

Chinmaya Upavan Foundation with Likhita Japa Notebooks

How to do it? 
1. Visualize the form of Bhagavan and mentally bow down.

2. Start writing the mantra.  We encourage everyone to write in their mother tongue.

3. Concentrate on every word that you write. Let go of all other thoughts. Be with the japa. Your thoughts and writing must be at the same moderate speed.

4.  Preferably say it aloud while writing, so that you get the oral as well as mental repetition of the Lord’s name.

5.  Sit quietly for a few moments after your japa.