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चित्किम् ?
ज्ञानस्वरूपः ।

citkim ?
jñānasvarūpaḥ .

What is Consciousness? It is of the nature of pure knowledge.

Explanation of Consciousness

  1. Consciousness is the Self, It is inherent in the Self
  2. Consciousness illuminates all names and forms. It is That which is aware of the mind, which in turn is aware of our eyes, which in turn are aware of all objects
  3. Consciousness does not require anything else to reveal Itself. It is self revealing
  4. Ego is different from Consciousness.
    • Ego changes over time but Consciousness is the ever changeless witness
    • Ego is dormant in deep sleep, Consciousness is ever present as is
    • Ego has a voice, Consciousness is silence
    • Ego is affected by external situations, Consciousness is unaffected like the screen in a movie

Illustration of Consciousness

  1. The moon gives us light, but that light is reflected from the sun. If the moon is not present, there is no moonlight, even though the light of the sun is ever present.
  2. Similarly the mind is illuminated by the light of the Self, and when the mind is not present (like in inanimate objects), there is no sentience, even though the Self is ever shining.
  3. There is one sun, and one Self. Just as one sun illuminates many planets, so does the Self illuminate all minds.


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